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DriverCare Connect® User Guide


DriverCare Connect® is a component of the DriverCare® suite of products that helps fleets manage the risk that arises from the operation of company vehicles.  This guide provides an overview of the features found within the DriverCare mobile experience, with a specific focus on DriverCare Connect.

To avoid distractions, do not access any features of the DriverCare mobile experience while driving.

Home Screen

MY CURRENT TASKS: A number flag will appear to indicate the number of tasks you have to complete. Any in red are past due. Green are tasks not past due.

MY TELEMATICS SCORE: Access your individual safety score, peer rank and team rank here.

MY NOTIFICATIONS: A number flag will indicate the number of notifications you need to read.

MY RISK LEVEL: This will show the level risk you have been classified in, based on your overall performance. This combines telematics captured data, motor vehicle records, accidents, compliance with training and assessments, as well as other areas of risk.

drivercare home screen mobile

Navigation Menu

Access the navigation menu by pressing the hamburger menu button (an icon with three horizontal lines) at the top left of the Home Screen.

This will take you to the overall menu for DriverCare. Here you will find another view of your Tasks, Telematics details, your profile History, and access to Settings.

drivercare navigation screen

Safety Score

This section will expand to show the time period used for calculating the score. This will be on a rolling time period chosen by your company.

Your score will be displayed on a dial up to 100 points, beside an average score for the peers on your team and an average score for all drivers in the fleet.

You can tap the buttons for “My Peers” and “My Score” to get further details on those scores.

my safety score

Detailed View of My Score

When you tap through to My Score, you can see the trend of your score over time.

You can also see each driving behavior that contributed to your overall score. Each behavior is also scored up to 100 points.

There are 6 behaviors available, and your company chose the 5 most important criteria to include in driver scores for your fleet. The percent each behavior weights towards overall score is also set by your company. The behaviors and weights shown here are samples and may be different from what is displayed for you.

DriverCare Connect Score Trend

My Peer Ranking

When you tap into My Peers, you will see your rank and score among the ranks and scores of each person on your team.

You can see how far above or below your scores are to others.

Your company may choose to display the names of drivers and their scores or keep the driver names masked.

my peers screen


When your vehicle records unsafe driving events, you will receive notifications along with tips on how to avoid these events in the future.

Depending on how significant the measurement of these events are, and according to your company policy, you may also be assigned a training module.

drivercare notifications


If your risk score or level warrants, or as a proactive measure for all drivers, you may be assigned training to address specific areas of risk.

This training can be completed by tapping on the assignment and completing the module right on your phone. Modules can be several minutes long.

Training assignments will appear within your Task List on the home screen.

driver training mobile

Manager Only Content

The following features are available only to managers with one or more drivers as direct reports. Managers who are also drivers will have access to the same features shown above, combined with the features below.

Safety Score

As a manager, you will also have the ability to view information about all the drivers assigned to your team.  Your team information is accessible from your Safety Score view.

In this section, there is a box of information available about your team, which displays the average score for drivers on your team, as well as their average mileage.

my team score

My Team View

When you access your team information from the Safety Score screen or navigation menu, you are able to see the scores and ranks of the drivers on your team, with names listed.

You have the ability to drill down into each driver’s score information, including trends over time, by tapping on their score.

my team score detail

Web Portal

As a manager, you also will be able to access all information in DriverCare through the web portal, for viewing on your computer. Both the Team Summary view is displayed, as well as the ability to drill down into a specific driver profile.

DriverCare Web Portal

If you require assistance with DriverCare Connect, please contact us at